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Plastic Reduction

"Umbrella Bags Reduction Accreditation Program" 2023 is now OPEN for application!
Our Works > Plastic Reduction > "Umbrella Bags Reduction Accreditation Program" 2023 is now OPEN for application!
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Greeners Action launches the "Umbrella Bags Reduction Accreditation Program" since 2017, and has been encouraging property management to provide alternative eco-friendly options to reduce/ stop the use of umbrella bags on rainy days. Recently, the government submitted the "Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023" to the Legislative Council for the regulation of disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products, which included plastic Umbrella Bags. It showed the momentum of plastic reduction in society.

"The Umbrella Bags Reduction Accreditation Program" will continue this year, hoping to help the property management move towards the goals of "zero-umbrella bags" and prepare for the new regulations soon. Greeners Action will provide on-site auditing and suggestions to the property management if any. Also, each property can obtain a sticker to post at a conspicuous position at the entrance or exit, and obtain a certificate during the ceremony. The customer may then recognize the environmentally friendly shopping malls/ commercial buildings/ housing estates.

Interested parties, please contact us at 3499 1780 (Ms. Hu / Ms. Cheung) for further information. Thank you for supporting Greeners Action!

Article ID: 579076 | Number of views: 4380