Greeners Action x K11 join to create a pluralistic green experience
K11, a shopping mall trying to immerse its core value of “art, human and nature” into life, today announced its cooperation with the Greeners Action to voluntarily start a public-private partnered scheme called “K11 pluralistic community waste recycling programme”, becoming a green leader in the commercial sector; During today’s activity, K11 assistant principal chief manager Mr. Chan Ching Bong, Greeners Action’ chairman Mr. Ho Hon Wai and representatives of catering together officiated the ceremony, symbolizing the start of the programme. They shared the details of the programme and the first-phase progress with people.
The first public and private partnered pilot scheme of food waste recycling in HK lasting 3 month has reduced food waste by 15%. According to the EPD’s 2009 HK Municipal Solid Waste monitoring report’s figure, Hong Kong people on average produce 3,280 tonnes of food waste, taking 35% amount of MSW and its weight being equivalent to weight of 131 double-decker buses. The industrial and commercial sector contributes 30%. In view of this, the Greeners Action cooperated with K11 to implement the first public-private partnered scheme called “K11 pluralistic community waste recycling programme”, hoping to recycle food waste in K11 shopping mall. During its 3-month pilot scheme, a cut of 15% food waste has been seen already.