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Plastic Reduction

“No More Plastic Action” Kick-off 2020 cum Recognition Ceremony of “S.T.0.P.” 48 Shops joined "Shops Towards 0 Plastics"
Our Works > Plastic Reduction > “No More Plastic Action” Kick-off 2020 cum Recognition Ceremony of “S.T.0.P.” 48 Shops joined "Shops Towards 0 Plastics"
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The “No More Plastic Action” kick-off 2020 cum Recognition Ceremony of “S.T.0.P.” was held on 28/12/2019 to mark the start of upcoming events for 2020.

This ceremony gave recognition to shops which joined our “Shops Towards 0 Plastics”(S.T.0.P.) scheme, and organizations and schools which participated our educational talks and tours, as well as promoting our “S.T.0.P.” online map to public.
Up to now, Greeners Action has successfully invited 48 restaurants and shops to joined our “S.T.0.P.” scheme, they have fulfilled at least 2 out of 5 “no plastic” commitments and received a labeling sticker.

Greeners’ Action invited Associate Professor CHAN King Ming of School of Life Sciences CUHK as the officiating guest, and artists Mimi Choo and Sugar Club as promoting guests to attend our ceremony and share “no plastic” experiences in their everyday lives.

The ceremony displayed the “No Plastic” promotion video which was produced by Greeners Action and filmed by Mimi Choo and Sugar Club, and a music video for the theme song of no plastic programme of Greeners Action, which was produced by Fung@ Sugar Club. These two videos will soon be displayed on different TV channels and online platforms to deliver the “no plastic” message, please stay tuned!

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