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Greena@Cheung Sha Wan Recycling Store Opening
About Us > Milestone > Greena@Cheung Sha Wan Recycling Store Opening
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Environmental Protection Department Recycling Store run by The Greeners Action - " Green@Cheung Sha Wan Recycling Store " opened on 15th December 2020. It received diverse recyclables, including paper, metals, plastic (Styrofoam), glass bottles, regulated electrical equipment, small electrical appliances, fluorescent lamps and tubes, rechargeable batteries, beverage cartons, and toner cartridges.

All materials will sent to the recycler after sorting for the proper handled. “Green@Cheung Sha Wan Recycling Store” with the green wall, solar energy generation, free drink water, etc facilities which create a green space the downtown.

Article ID: 542201 | Number of views: 3534