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Fund-Raising Activities

Amazing Greeners Fight for No Plastic - Kat O 2.0
Our Works > Fund-Raising Activities > Amazing Greeners Fight for No Plastic - Kat O 2.0
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 Last year, we organized “Amazing Greeners Fight for No Plastic – Kat O” and received a tremendous response. This year, we organized a shoreline cleaning fundraising event again to raise awareness of waste reduction and plastic pollution.

'Amazing Greeners Fight for No Plastic - Kat O 2.0' was successfully launched on October 30, 2022. 80 corporate volunteers gathered at O Pui Tong, a remote bay of Crooked Island, to clean up the coastal garbage. Two hours later, 78 bags weighing over 350 kilograms of garbage were collected. In comparison with last year, the total weight of garbage collected was 100 kilograms higher.

Plastic and Styrofoam made up the majority of the garbage, but we also found construction waste among the garbage. For years, garbage had accumulated on the coast, causing severe environmental pollution, particularly microplastic pollution. Our sincere gratitude is sent out to all the volunteers who work tirelessly to keep the coast of Kat O clean.

There is still a large amount of marine garbage on Hong Kong's coastline that needs to be cleaned up by volunteers.
If enterprises or organizations are interested in organizing shoreline cleanup activities, please contact us at 3499-1780.

Special thanks:(Ranked by sponsorship level)
Admiral Sponsors: Hong Kong Disneyland
Colonel Sponsor: Sitoy Group Holdings Limited
Captain Sponsors: CLP Power Hong Kong, Grand Toys Corporation Limited
Supporting Organisation: The "Star" Ferry Company Limited
Corps Sponsors: The Hong Kong Electric Company Limited, Shell Hong Kong Limited

Article ID: 578430 | Number of views: 1496