Environmental Campaigns

Waste Management

Greeners Action submitted submissions of SUP regulations to the Legislative Council
Environmental Campaigns > Waste Management > Greeners Action submitted submissions of SUP regulations to the Legislative Council
 Adverse impact of disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products to the environment has been prolonged for decades. The government is going to enforce regulations on these disposable plastic products. While the Legislative Council is reviewing the bill, Greeners Action, among the other green groups and individuals, were invited to express the views to the administration in the committee meeting.

The government proposed to regulate disposable plastic tableware in two phases. Greeners Action is worried that the ultimate implementation date of phase 2 will further be postponed to after 2025. GA reiterates that that HK is falling behind from countries and regions like mainland, Taiwan, Japan and EU counries in SUP regulations, and therefore we demand the government to fully implement the regulation on disposable plastic tableware not later than 2025.

Meanwhile more restaurants have shifted to other alternatives e.g. wood, paper and bamboo. To prevent transferral from plastic to other waste, Greeners Action suggests establishing an organic tableware recycling mechanism, and setting up funds to assist restaurants to shift to reusable tableware.

Greeners Action also suggests expanding the regulations on more disposable plastic productions on top of the current 10 products, such as packaging materials in logistics and transportation.

Our submission and the committee meeting (Chinese Version Only)

Article ID: 582465 | Number of views: 1244