Greeners Action 30th Anniversary Celebration Cocktail Fundraising Party
We are pleased to share that Greeners Action celebrates its 30th Anniversary of fighting for a more environmentally-friendly world.
A cocktail reception has been held on 28th July 2023 to celebrate this important milestone. We are honored to have Miss Wong Shuk-Han, JP, Acting Secretary for Environment and Ecology (at that time); Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Former Secretary of Environment; and Mr. Lam Chiu Ying, SBS, Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory to be the guests of honor. During the reception, we shared all the joyful moments through these years with over 80 distinguished guests, long-term partners, and friends.
We showcased every moment of our environmental campaigns over the past years in our 30th Anniversary Milestone Video, such as rallying on the Plastic Shopping Bags scheme, promoting the Food Wise campaign 'Less rice for $1 Less', and launching our flagship event 'Lai See Reuse and Recycle Program'. These moments witnessed the success of our works and gave us confidence in leading citizens to practice a 'net-zero' green lifestyle.
Miss Wong Shuk-Han congratulated the 30th anniversary of Greeners Action by wishing Greeners Action to continue working hand in hand with all walks of life on waste reduction and recycling in Hong Kong.
Mr. Angus Ho, Executive Director of Greeners Action highlighted the ‘3Ps’ in environmental protection – Perspective: We must have the proper mentality in protecting the environment; Practice – We must take proper actions; and Perseverance – We must be perseverant and work in the long run.
Mr. Lam Chiu-Ying thought celebrating the 30th anniversary of Greeners Action also means celebrating Hong Kong for going into a new era by localizing and finding the unique ‘Hong Kong way’ in environmental protection.
Mr. Wong Kam-Sing echoed this by encouraging Hongkongers to support the bureau’s policies and work together towards a net-zero future.
The guests of honor and Angus took turns placing souvenirs onto the box of Time Capsules, including disposable plastic tableware, Hong Kong Climate Action Plan 2050, and Field Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong and South China. These souvenirs symbolized the vision and wish for abandoning Single-Use Plastic, enriching Hong Kong’s biodiversity, and achieving the ultimate goal of 'Net-Zero'.
Our long-term partners heavily contributed to the success of environmental protection works. We took the opportunity to present the trophy to our long-term cooperating partners in showing our appreciation. The awarding companies are as follows (in alphabetical order of company name),
- Citistore (Hong Kong) Limited
- DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
- Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
- Hong Yip Service Company Limited
- Kai Shing Management Services Limited
- Sino Group
- Link Asset Management Limited
- Maxim's Group
- Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited
- S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited
- Shell Hong Kong Limited
We would like to thank the following companies for their sponsorship so that the event can be held successfully,
Diamond Sponsorship – Sino Group
Gold Sponsorship –Kai Shing Management Services Limited
Silver Sponsorship – Airport Authority Hong Kong, Link Asset Management Limited, and The Hong Kong and China Gas Company
We would like to thank our friends and partners for all the years of support and encouragement. We will continue to work with the government, business community, and citizens to promote Hong Kong into a new era of environmental protection and become a zero-waste city.