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Food Waste Reduction

“Food Wise Day” for primary schools in HK, 30,000 students together food wise
Our Works > Food Waste Reduction > “Food Wise Day” for primary schools in HK, 30,000 students together food wise
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To rebuild primary school student a tradition “Food Wise” concept, knowing the importance of cherishing food resource and adopting green living style, we set today 17th December, 2008 to be “Food Wise Day” for HK primary schools.

The captioned campaign gained 46 schools comprising 31645 students’ participation. Participated schools, during lunch hour, for the first time played video to students with video of “Say no to food waste” that is provided by the Greeners Action. The video is about a detective revealing problem of food waste in Hong Kong, through this relaxing way, educating people about reducing food waste. In the campaign, students finishing their lunchbox completely would reward a sticker. Students further shouted loudly the slogan “No food waste, clear food box” to show their determination to become “Food Wise” friends. We hope over half of participating students could finish their lunch boxes completely on that day. Counting every lunch box weighed 200g, it is estimated through this campaign there would be at least 3,165 kg reduction of food remain (equivalent to over 3 tonnes).

Article ID: 324147 | Number of views: 4351